White tulip png

About white tulip
Tulip is a 10-85 cm tall plant in the Liliaceae family. It grows on its own throughout Europe, Asia, Japan and North Africa. Leaves 2-6, mostly oblong-lanceolate or lanceolate. Flowers solitary or few per stem, bell-shaped, multicoloured, hollow or full, sometimes pleasantly scented. Blooms in April-May.
Tulips are classified into 24 groups according to the classification of the Dutch Bulb Growers and the Royal Horticultural Society of England. Of these, 10 to 15 groups are of great ornamental and industrial importance. The latter groups are subdivided according to flowering time: early, intermediate, late.
Early white tulips
1. Early white tulips – 15-30 cm tall. Blooms in late April or early May with yellow and pink flowers. They are the origin of most early tulip varieties. Suitable for winter flowering and for growing in flowerbeds.
2. Early full-flowered. Blooms at almost the same time as the common early tulip. Most are dwarf. Most (60%) of the varieties are derived from the old Murillo variety as sport mutants.
Medium-early white tulip
1. Mendel – 30-50 cm tall. This group of tulips is a cross between Duc van Thol and Darwin tulips. Blooms in mid-May. The flowers are large, on long sturdy stems. Cultivated in flowerbeds and for winter flowering.
2. Triumph – 35-50 cm tall. The flowers are usually red or pink, less often yellow or white. Blooms in mid-May.
3. Darwin’s Hybrid -60-80 cm tall. This is the newest group of tulips. The varieties in this group were developed by crossing Foster and Darwin tulips. Leaves and flowers are large. They flower in bright, shimmering colours in May.
Suitable for flowerbeds, for forming massive groups in ghassons, for winter flowering (even in January-February) and especially for bouquets.
Late white tulips
1. Darwin – 60-80 cm tall. The flowers are large, of various colours (usually dark). Some are almost black. Blooms in late May. Use similar to Darwin hybrids.
2. Lilyflowers – 60 cm tall. Descended from Darwin tulips. The flowers are graceful. Petals long, narrow, pointed, similar to white lilies. Blooms in a variety of colours.
Suitable for flowerbeds. Winter flowering is not always successful.
3. Cottage – 50-80 cm tall. Blooms in late May. Some have full-length flowers.
4. Rembrandt – 50-70 cm tall, bicoloured striped tulips. Descended from the Darwin and Cottage Group tulips.
5. Parrot – 50-60 cm tall. Interesting in flower shape. The flowers are large and the petal margins are wavy or variously cut. Some varieties have weak, curved petals. All varieties in this group are sport varieties derived from Darwin tulips. They are suitable for flowerbeds and for picking.
6. Late full-flowered or peony – 60 cm tall. These tulips have peony-shaped flowers on sturdy stems. Blooms in late May.
Information source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tulip