
Parsley vector

Parsley vector in PNG and SVG files transparent, no background. Herb vectors, clip arts catalog for free to download.
Parsley vector herb transparent no background in PNG


About parsley

Parsley is both leafy and tuberous. Leafy parsley grows many smooth, cut or curly leaves, but has thin, branched roots. Root parsley has thick, smooth or sparsely branched roots and smooth, curly leaves.

Parsley not only adds flavour and decoration to dishes but is also a valuable dietary vegetable. Raw and dried parsley leaves are used to flavour salads, soups, various other meat, fish, herring, mushroom and vegetable dishes, sauces, marinades, dressings and preserves. Parsley root is used to flavour soups, especially broths, meat, fish, mushroom and vegetable dishes. In the latter, raw and cooked parsley roots are added.

Once 2-3 leaves have formed, parsley is thinned at 3-5 cm spacing. After thinning, additional fertiliser with ammonium nitrate (100-150 g per 10 m2) is applied. Spacing is started as soon as the parsley has germinated. Initially, the depth of the loosening should be 4-6 cm and then 8-10 cm. The soil is kept loose and weed-free throughout the growing season, as parsley is very sensitive to weed control. When moisture is scarce. Parsley needs to be watered.

Root parsley is harvested at the same time as the roots of the leafy parsley. The leaves are cut off (without damaging the head) and collected, while the roots are carefully dug up, as damaged roots do not keep well. They are usually stored in boxes in the cellar, layered with sand. Parsley roots are well preserved when stuck in the soil in the garden, covered with spruce twigs (for protection against mice) and a 20 cm layer of peat.

Parsley leaves, 200-300 g in 80-100 micron thick polythene film bags of 20X50 cm, folded twice over the top and stapled together, will keep for 1,5-2 months in the fridge.

Parsley is sown in early spring (after rye has started to grow) or before winter. Parsley seeds sown dry take 18-20 days to germinate. For faster germination, soaked or sprouted seeds can be sown in moist soil in spring. Sow parsley on level ground at 30-40 cm spacing between the rows and three rows along the beds. The seeds are inserted 1-1,5 cm deep. 6-8 g of seed per 10 m2.

Parsley is sown in pre-made furrows in the beds before winter, when the weather starts to freeze steadily. Around 10 g of seed per 10 m2 is sown, i.e. around 20-30 % more seed than in spring. The seeds are covered with unfrozen soil (the pile must be covered beforehand) and then the entire surface of the bed is mulched with a 3-4 cm thick layer of peat.

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