Red alstroemeria png

About alstroemeria flower
These flowers have only recently been introduced in our country. Alstroemeria are perennial, tuberous, herbaceous, herbaceous, thick-rooted plants of the Amarylidaceae family, native to South America. It is a low-labour and demanding perennial crop. They are undemanding, disease-resistant and therefore of great value in crop rotation. Depending on the variety, alstroemeria flowers twice a year, more profusely in spring and less profusely in autumn. A single bush can produce around 25 flower stalks, which can bear as many as 50 flowers.
Alstroemeria varieties
Campfire. Flowers red, orange. Plants 140-180 cm tall. Transplanting is required annually. Planted at 40 × 50 cm.
Carmen. Red flowers. Plants 150-180 cm tall. Flowering starts in February and mass flowering in March-May. Transplanting should be done annually in October. Planted at 40 × 50 cm. About 70-90 flowers per 1 m2 are produced.
Canarie. The flowers are yellow. Blooms in March-June and August-October. May flower earlier with additional light. Plants 140-160 cm tall. Transplanted every 2-3 years at a distance of 40 × 50 cm. 80-100 flowers can be produced per 1 m2. The variety is sticky and the flower buds often wither in autumn.
King Cardinal. The flowers are red. Flowering starts in March and mass flowering in May. Plants 150-180 cm tall. Can grow for 2-3 years without transplanting. Planted at 40 × 50 cm. 80-100 flowers can be produced per 1 m2. The flowers are only well coloured in summer.
Orchid. The flowers are variegated, with yellow and white petals. Blooms in March-June and August-October. Planted at 40 × 50 cm. It is better not to replant every year as this variety produces few offspring. Produces 60-80 inflorescences per 1 m2.
Regina. The flowers are pale pink with a lilac tinge. Blooms en masse in April-June, with individual flowers throughout the year. Blooms more profusely when transplanted annually at a distance of 50-60 cm. 60-80 flowers per 1 m2 are produced. This variety is less ornamental than the others, but is easy to grow.
Rosario. The flowers are of good quality only in summer and pale at other times of the year. Blooms from spring to autumn. The inflorescences are thick, growing up to 140 cm. Productivity is 60-70 flowers per 1 m2.
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