Bare root roses vector
Bare root roses vector, images in PNG and SVG. Files transparent, no background, black and white, free to download.

Time to plant bare-root rose
A good time to plant bare-root seedlings is late autumn or early spring, when the ground is thawed or not yet frozen but the seedlings are still/already in their winter dormancy (potted plants can be planted throughout the entire vegetation season).
Shorten any roots that are too long before planting. Plant roses so that the grafting point (the point where the first branches emerge) is about 3-5 cm below the ground.
Roots in the planting hole
If you do not find the roots in the planting hole, it is better to enlarge the planting hole or shorten any roots that are too long. Do not fertilise roses with mineral fertiliser when planting! The exception is if you are planting in very clayey, heavy soil. In this case, dig a hole about 15 cm deeper than necessary to plant the rose, add a pinch of phosphorus fertiliser to the bottom of the hole, top it up with a layer of soil and then plant the rose. The roots must never come close to the fertiliser. It is always a good idea to add organic additives to the soil when planting, such as peat, mature compost or slightly rotted manure (fresh compost or manure is never suitable!). When filling the planting hole, always make sure that at least half of the volume is made up of local soil.
The exception is if you are planting in soil that is unsuitable for new roses (extremely calcareous or where another rose has grown before). In this case, the soil must be completely replaced. Water the newly planted plants well (not necessary for late autumn planting). Hug or stump the planted seedlings so that the ends of the branches of the seedlings protrude from the ground. This will protect the stems from wilting (drying sun, winds, frost) until the new root system starts to function.
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