Palm tree
How to download palm tree?
Select the palm you want and save it on your computer or mobile. It’s all very simple – no registrations, etc. Palm tree in PNG files. Transparent, no background for free to download. Mini catalog of palm tree.
About Palm tree (Palmae)
These are some of the most beautiful and valuable indoor plants. They grow on their own in the tropics and only a few species in the subtropics. The palm family (Palmae or Palmaceae) comprises 130 genera with about 1700 species. They are divided into two groups according to their leaves: pinnate and fan-shaped. Palm trees grow well in bright, airy, well-ventilated areas. However, some species, such as the finicum and the rough-leaved palm, do well in cramped, sunless rooms. They like humidity.
They need to be watered abundantly and sprayed frequently during the summer. In winter, water sparingly, but make sure that the soil does not dry out. Water at room temperature is better for watering and spraying. Watering should be done in such a way as to wet all the soil in the pot. If the ends of the leaves start to dry out, this is a sign that the indoor air is too dry for the palm, and that the palm itself is not being watered regularly or even overwatered.
Palm tree conditions
Mineral fertilisers are more convenient to use in room conditions. Dissolve 2 g of ammonium nitrate, 3 g of superphosphate, 0,5 g of potassium salt in one litre of water. The palms are watered 1-2 times a month with this solution. Alternatively, instead of fresh water, palms can be watered throughout the summer with the following solution: 4 g ammonium nitrate, 5 g superphosphate, 1 g potassium salt dissolved in 10 litres of water.
Palms outside
It is advisable to take the palms outside during the summer. The pot is buried in the ground in a place sheltered from winds and midday sunlight. Propagated by seed. The seeds are very hard-shelled and take a long time to germinate, from a few weeks to a year. It is advisable to keep the seeds in warm water (up to 50 °C) for 2-3 days before sowing.
Sow in a mixture of peaty soil and sand. Maintain a constant temperature and humidity of 25-28 °C until germination. Transplant the seedlings with one leaf to a mixture of leaf soil, peat soil and sand. At this time, the temperature is kept at a constant 25° C. Young palms grow well in bottom-heated inserts.
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