White orchid png
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About white orchid flower
These orchids are rarely grown in greenhouses because of the complexity of propagation. They are usually propagated by seed, which can only be germinated under laboratory conditions.
Phalaenopsis are best planted between March and May, but can be planted at other times of the year. They grow well for 4-5 years without replanting in one place. Plant in pots or racks 1,2 m wide and 25-30 cm deep. These are preferably in stainless mesh, with 1,5-0,5 cm meshes, so that the orchid roots do not rest on the bottom of the rack and get more air. Plant so that the root collar is flush with the surface of the ground, spaced at a distance of 30 × 40 cm. After planting, water and then stop watering for 8-10 days and spray with water. The greenhouse is covered.
Here, orchids are picked when all the flowers in the inflorescence have opened. With special packaging, they can be disposed of one blossom at a time. The orchid is picked in such a way that a 2-3 cm long stalk remains on the plant. Care should be taken not to damage the leaves when picking. The latter must not be picked. Unpeeled orchids bloom for 3-4 months. Once picked, they last about one month.
White orchid (Phalaenopsis) is a heat-loving plant. They need a daytime temperature of 22-25°C and a nighttime temperature of 18-20°C. Greenhouse temperatures should be daytime only in October to stimulate flower bud development. 16-18°C and 12-14°C at night. It is then raised again to 22-25°C and 18-20°C respectively.
Information source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orchid#Flowers