
Hibiscus syriacus vector

Hibiscus syriacus vector, clip art in PNG and SVG files. All files are transparent, no background hibiscus vector catalog for free.
Hibiscus syriacus vector clip art PNG and SVG transparent no background


About Hibiscus syriacus

Hibiscus (Latin: Hibiscus) is a member of the heirloom family. This beautiful flower is native to south-west Asia. It is an evergreen shrub that grows from 70 cm to 1.2 m tall in room conditions.

In good conditions and with proper care, the rose can bloom easily and can produce long and abundant flowers. It produces large flowers up to 2 cm wide. It flowers from spring to autumn and lasts about two days before new flowers appear. The flowers can be in a variety of colours: yellow, orange, red, white, pink. The shape of the flowers can also vary, and they can be plain or full-bodied. There are also varieties of variegated varieties.

This hibiscus syriacus shrub with its beautiful, large flowers and long flowering period from July to September will be a wonderful addition to the garden, attracting butterflies and bees. Young plants should be covered for the winter. It prefers fertile, moist soils, but can also grow in other soils, as long as it does not like very dry and sandy places. Mulching of the roots is recommended to maintain moisture.
Pruning is not necessary, but autumn pruning, leaving 2-3 buds, encourages larger flowers.

Storage location. As Kinrose likes light, it should be kept in a bright place with at least some direct sunlight. In winter, it should be kept in a bright room, preferably near a window on the east or west side. It can also be placed in a south-facing window, but in this case it will need to be sheltered from direct sun during the hottest hours of the day. As Kinrose likes warmth, it should be kept at +20° C – +25° C in summer. It is better to keep it outdoors, but it must be protected from draughts and direct sun. In winter, it should be kept indoors where the air temperature does not fall below +15° C – +20° C.

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